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Making a Lasting Impression at Your Next Job Interview

The details on your resume can land you an interview. However, your presentation during the interview impacts whether you advance in the hiring process.

As a result, you must make a positive impression throughout the interview process. How you present yourself – including your knowledge, skills, and experience – affects the interviewer’s hiring decision.

Follow these guidelines to create a positive impression during your job interview.

Research the Company

Get informed about the business, department, hiring manager, and job. Find topics to discuss during your interview.

Your research process should involve the company website, an online search, and employee testimonials. These sources let you uncover the latest company news, achievements, and notable events.

Follow the Dress Code

Ensure you dress appropriately for your job interview. This impacts the interviewer’s perception of you.

Your appearance during an interview shows how you would represent the company as an employee. Therefore, you must wear attire that aligns with the role you desire.

Talk with the hiring manager or a member of HR to determine appropriate interview clothing. This ensures you present a professional image when you arrive.

Arrive Early

Be at your job interview 10-15 minutes before it begins. This shows you respect the interviewer’s time and value punctuality.

Practice getting to your interview location a few times in advance. Leave around the time you plan to on the scheduled day. This lets you know whether there may be delays on the day of your interview.

Prepare the information needed for your interview. This includes copies of your resume, the name of your interviewer(s), and paper and pens to take notes.

Monitor Your Body Language

Maintain open body language during your job interview. This shows you are friendly, communicative, and easy to work with.

For instance, greet the interviewer with eye contact, a smile, their name, and a firm handshake. Also, sit with your hands either in your lap or gesturing to make points during the discussion. Additionally, lean slightly forward to show engagement as you speak and listen. Plus, talk with enthusiasm and confidence to show you want the job.

After the talk is finished, stand up, make eye contact, and firmly shake the interviewer’s hand. Use their name as you thank them for their time. Let the interviewer know you appreciate their time. Mention you look forward to hearing from them soon.

Send a Thank You

Email the interviewer a thank-you note within 24 hours. Include the job title you interviewed for and the date and time of the discussion.

Begin by expressing gratitude for the interviewer’s time. Next, mention three main topics you covered that make you best suited for the job. Then, include three primary reasons why you want the position.

Close by thanking the interviewer again for meeting with you. Share that you look forward to hearing back soon.

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